Saturday, May 7, 2016

Reboot details.

Greetings future game designer, Artist, actor. Sorry if you've mistaken this as a Drawn to life guy. You may have read my reboot story if not I send you the link to that blog right here: Now that story is subject to change which means that if any game developer's or future game developer's see that blog they probably ask me for permission to change the story and I would gladly say yes. If you want to make this game you can ask me to join you. My email is so we can kickstart it on kickstarter. That just the story this blog will tell you about the exciting details about the game in case the story threw you off.

Your character will be more acrobatic: The character you create will be more acrobatic meaning that your character can double jump and wall jump. It can now punch as well which is good since you won't have a weapon at all.

Why Reboot the series?: I want to reboot the series because the series ended with the Next Chapter and there is no where to go in that series.That's why I'm rebooting it.

The characters will be voice acted: That's right the characters will be fully voice acted mostly it would most likely be use in some cutscenes. But let me know if you want the characters to be fully voice acted outside the cutscenes.

I will be faithful to the games before it: I spent one dollar on the Drawn to Life collection the reason why I got it is so I can refresh my memory of it to get a better understanding of the game I'm rebooting. I will respect the games before them because that's the main reason why I bought the collection in the first place to show my respect to the games that came before.

Anything you drawn in one level will appear in multiple levels: In the original once you've drawn items in a level they are rarely used in any levels beside the one you just drawn in. In the reboot if you draw a spring in one level they will appear in other levels as well and in other worlds too. There will be some creation for only that level like a skateboard for example but mostly your drawings will appear in multiple levels.

It will be like the original (Except for story): You still be platforming around levels which will be more interesting and battling more interesting bosses. with some minor and some major changes to the game read my story to figure out what are the changes are.

Those are some of the details for the Drawn to Life reboot. Now you can help me change the story to make it more interesting as long as there are two to keep from the story. One Keep the charters Aura, Mari, Billy, Cutiesaurs (which will be voiced my me Jesse Gartung), and the Ink King Because I like what I created and I really want to keep them. Two Keep the interesting worlds I like the worlds I thought up and they add variety to the world I'm making. I really don't want a grass or a ice world so keep my world ideas. If you are interested in this idea or how you felt about this blog comment below and tell your friends because I want this game to be made and I am a really bad game designer.